
Muhurat Trading 2022 timing and its relevance

Muhurat is a Hindi word and it means an auspicious time. For starting any big and good thing in ones life we often say to see when is the muhurat for that act. So far as stock market is concerned, Muhurat Trading is an auspicious stock market trading for an hour in Diwali (Deepawali) festival.   It's a symbolic and old ritual that has been practised and observed by the trading community since long. As per Hindu calendar , Diwali is marked as the starting of new year and it is a believe that trading in this day is auspicious and can bring wealth and prosperity to the trader.  Muhurat Trading Timing for 24.10.2022 Today is Diwali (Deepawali) and generally the stock market remains closed. However, as already discussed above that today is also a day for Muhurat Trading and therefore stock market is opened for that purpose only for a limited period of 1 hour in the evening time. NSC (National Stock Exchange) has declared the Muhurat Trading hour 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM (For ...

Electrifying India's Future: Addressing the Challenges and Concerns of EV Cars

Efforts are being made in the automotive sector to make it less dependent on the fuel derived from  crude oil . Pollution, rise in cost of fuel are some of the obvious reasons.  Apart from this crude oil is a non renewable source of energy and is bound to perish in next few decades. Further its availability is restricted to just few countries. As such it was the need of hour that some alternate source of energy or mechanism be developed to make it a substitute for crude oil products. Situation in India (and in other similarly situated countries) As far as India is concerned, it's needs are heavily dependent on imported oil . India is a growing economy with world's second largest population as such the energy needs are on a rising trajectory.  With increase in vehicles in India and with rise in economic activities, the consumption of fuel is on rise. Since India is a net importer of oil, the pressure on it to procure the same always remains.  The import bills a...


Everyone in the stock market wants to remain not only profitable but to get rich soon. However, it's a bitter truth that its only few who really makes a wealth out of it. With penetration of internet and data becoming cheap, the craze for making money online is at all time high. Trading in stock market is one of the most popular choice for many as their is no such entry barrier. Further, opening of demat accounts have become almost paperless and the process getting simplified. This has also resulted into entry of large number of new comers in the stock market.  So now coming back to the point, to remain consistently profitable in the stock market is not that easy as it may seems so. Here I am not talking of a one sided bull market where every Tom, Dick and Harry makes money but when the market starts showing its true colour, it swiftly engulfs all those gains.  To understand and improve your trading and investing style, the foremost thing is that one is able to identify the r...


                                             Infosys which is India's second largest Information Technology Company today announced its Quarter 2 results for the Quarter ended September 30, 2022.   The result was announced amidst the IT sector already facing tremendous price correction throughout its breadth. Some of the important takes from the result of Infosys is summarized below. Some takes from today's Infosys results are as under: Declared Interim Dividend of Rs 16.50 each share;  Record date for interim Dividend being 28.10.2022 and Payment date fixed at 10.11.2022. 18.8 % Year on Year Revenue growth; Operating Profit at 21.5 %. 23.4 % Revenue Growth in Q2 of 2023 compared to Q2 of 2022. Rs 6,021 crores net consolidated profit for the Quarter ended on 30th September 2022 which is up by 11.1 % from the same Quarter of previous year....

20 reasons why retailers fail to make profit in stock market!

Stock market is a place which can quench the thirst of millions and billions of people. This was once stated by Lt Harshad Mehta.  But it is also a well known fact that it is only few who really makes money from the market and becomes wealthy in the long run whereas most of the entrants suffer losses or makes very nominal returns which when calculated are often lower than the FD returns of the Bank.  To make oneself successful in the stock market the first and the foremost thing is to identify why one is making losses or as to why his performance is poor. Once you are able to identify the same, the battle is almost half won.  In this article you will see the major reasons why the new market entrant or a new retailer is unable to make money from stock market. If one is able to just refine his approach and is able to tight the loose strings, the result would be phenomenal. Some of the reasons for the losses or very nominal returns: Generally retailers enter the market durin...

बद्रीनाथ और माना गांव की अध्भुत यात्रा | Tremendous Trip to Badrinath and Mana village

बद्रीनाथ  ( Badrinath ) समुद्र तल से करीब 3500 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्तिथ है और 4 धाम में से एक धाम है। बद्रीनाथ (Badrinath) से करीब 3 km की दुरी पर स्थित है माना गांव (Mana village) जो की भारत का आखरी सीमांत गांव  (border village) है। वहां से कुछ दुरी से चीन का बॉर्डर स्टार्ट हो जाता है। ये छेत्र हिमालय में काफी अंदर और ऊंचाई पर स्थित है और यहाँ पहुँच पाना पहले इतना आसान नहीं हुआ करता था। आज मैं आपको अपने इस ब्लॉग में बद्रीनाथ और माना की मेरी एक रोमांचक सफर पर ले कर जा रहा हूँ, तो चलिए सुरु करते हैं।   बात वर्ष 2013 के जून महीने की है। ग्रीषम काल की छुट्टियां चल रही थी। विचार आ रहा था की कहीं घूमने के लिए चला जाये। अभी ये सब विचार मन के अंदर ही थे की तभी मेरी बात मेरे एक घनिस्ट कॉलेज के मित्र से हुई जिनका नाम कृष्णा बल्लभ है और उन्होंने भी ऐसे ही विचार व्यक्त किये। फिर क्या था, घूमने का प्लान बन गया। अब बस डेस्टिनेशन फाइनल करने की बात रह गयी थी और थोड़ा डिस्कशन करने के बाद हमने हरिद्वार (Haridwar)  जाने का निश्चय किया। ये एक पारिवारिक ट्रिप ...